Becoming the best version of yourself requires one word – Intentional. You MUST become intentional about your lifestyle, your mindsets, your habits, and your faith. You cannot think the same and the same things that you have always done and upgrade your life. It is impossible.
A great biblical example of being intentional about going after what you want is found in Luke 8: 43-48. It is the story of the woman with the issue of blood. She was considered an outcast in society and unclean. I imagine that she felt pressured by her problems; she was unable to find solutions or comfort from other people; she felt hopeless, overwhelmed, and found herself struggling with life for twelve long years. Some of us can relate.
Her story is a piece of our stories. As she pressed through all of the obstacles in her way and risked everything she had, she got her blessing. The ending of her story is ours, too, as we become intentional about seeking our Messiah, Yahshua.
Listen to the January 11th podcast episode to learn more about being intentional.