To effectively declare war on the enemy, you have to do the following two things consistently:
- Study the Word of Yahweh
- Apply the Yahweh’s Word
You see, many of us aren’t consistent, which is why we do not experience the victory that we desire and that Yahweh’s Word promises. We are guilty of reading His Word devotionally, rather than studying it and understanding the people, the places, the culture, and the context in which it was written. We will post His Word on our social media sites, tweet and text it, hang it up on our walls, sing it in our songs, put it on our license plates, and tattoo it on our bodies. Yet, we somehow miss the point of taking it a step further and literally do what it says.
There is a quote that I have heard a million times that knowledge is power. You are shaking your head; yes, knowledge is power! Unfortunately, while we have all said this, it isn’t true. No, we really should be saying, “Applied knowledge is power.”
If you know the holy inspired Scriptures but do not apply it in your life, then where is the power? There is isn’t any, and where there is now power, you cannot experience victory over your enemy.
For example, let’s take a look at Romans 12:1-2 to determine if we are consistently applying it to our lives:
Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Have you offered your entire life back to your creator? Are you surrendering every area of your life to His will?
Do not conform to the pattern of this world. Are you following the traditions of this world, or are your aligning your life to Word?
But be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Does your thoughts align with Yah’s Word? Are you dealing with your situations your way or Yah’s way?
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Are you following Him and trusting Him with your life?
What did your answers reveal? Are you consistent? Or are there some areas that require closer attention? You see many of us what the benefits of Yah to live an abundant and victorious life, but we don’t want to walk with Him consistently. That is not how our faith works.
Take time to examine your life by answering the questions from Romans 12:1-2. Then renew your mind daily by consistently studying and applying Yah’s Word. It is the only way to start living victoriously!