You don’t need a Genie!

Perhaps you saw the movie Aladdin where the Genie could grant him only three wishes.  He reminded Aladdin to be very careful of what he wished for because he had to make the most out of his desires. While that is a fairy tale movie, I must admit that I did wonder if I only had three wishes what I would wish for? A million dollars? A mansion? Or something as simple as a limited edition Louis Vuitton handbag? Hmm…

Ok! Let me come to my senses! I would not wish for anything like that. Instead, I would wish that I would:

  1. Stop settling for less than what Yah intended for me to have.
  2. Stop shrinking, thinking that I am not enough.
  3. Squash my unbelief and believe in my abilities to make my dreams come true.

You see, those three desires will give me the abundant life that Yahshua promised that I would have. Those three desires will provide me with the material things I mentioned before, and even more!

And the beautiful part – I don’t have to wish for those things and hope that a genie will provide them.

All I have to do is to start walking out my faith believing that Yah has already provided everything that I need to live an abundant life right now (John 10:10). 

You see, Yahshua said that if you abide in me and I abide in you – you will produce fruit apart from me you can do nothing. He went on to say that if you abide in me and my word abide in you – ask whatever you wish, and it is yours (John 15). If that wasn’t enough, He said all you have to do is believe and do not doubt when you ask (James 1:6).

I don’t know about, but today – 

  • I choose to believe in Yah’s Word.
  • I no longer settle for the lies that the enemy tries to feed me.
  • I am more than enough because I am wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of my creator.
  • I am feeding my faith and starving any unbelief as I walk out my faith in this day.

I don’t need a genie. I have the creator of heaven and earth. And guess what? He grants me unlimited wishes!