Do you ever need reminding that what Yah has promised you will happen?
Sometimes it is difficult because what we see before us or what we hear in the news can cause us to doubt. Sometimes we get so caught up and distracted that we need reminding that Yah is real and His promises are true.
The story of Abraham in Genesis 17 serves as a reminder of Yah’s faithfulness. Abraham received an amazing & awesome, yet unrealistic & humanly impossible promise from Yah. He told him that he would become a nation of many.
Amazing & awesome, right?
Yes, but also unrealistic & humanly impossible for three reasons.
- Abram (his name at the time) was almost 100 years old.
- His wife, Sarai, was 90 years old.
- Sarai was barren.
Clearly, only Yah could fulfill this promise!
The best part of the story (for me), as a sign of Yah’s commitment He changed his name to Abraham, which means “father of many nations.” So, every time someone called him by his new name, it was a reminder of Yah’s promise. Abraham held on to this promise without wavering in his faith or considering his dire circumstances that made the promise unrealistic according to our human standards.
The outcome of the story? Twenty-six years later, Sarah (her name changed too!) gave birth to a son, Isaac, and today the seed of Abraham is “as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore” (Genesis 22:17).
Let this be a reminder that Yah keeps His Word – no matter how long you have to wait!
While you are waiting, “call those things that be not as though they are” (Romans 4:17), which means to speak:
- Life into your relationships
- Healing into your body
- Prosperity over your finances
- Peace and calmness over your mind
You must do this consistently, even when what you see does not align with what you are saying. Every time Abraham heard his name, it was a reminder that there is nothing too hard for Yah!
My friend, get in His Word, search out His promises, and speak them over your life. Then stand firm on your faith. Yah is not a man that He should lie – He remains faithful to His Word. If He said it, it is going to happen, wait and see!
Be blessed!