Back in college, my aunt sent me a care package filled with goodies and a notepad that said: “Praise God Anyhow!” While the notepad is long gone, the message is still with me.
Should we withhold our praise because life is not exactly how we want it? Yes, we may find ourselves facing a difficult situation, an unwanted diagnosis, or relationship woes. But isn’t this a natural part of life? And, didn’t Yah say that He would be with us through it all?
We are not fair-weather believers only praising Yah when He answers our prayers the way we want Him to. As we mature in our faith, it becomes easier to praise Him whether the sun is shining or the storms are raging.
You see, I am at the point in my faith that the more darts the enemy throws my way, the more I smile. I know that sounds weird, like really weird! But it is true. Why? Because I know that Yah is about to show off. I believe soooo much in His word and His ability to do anything that I can’t help but smile and praise Him even life has turned upside down!
As you reflect over this past month, don’t get caught up in what prayer requests haven’t been answered. Don’t get overwhelmed by the burden that has not gone away. But instead, get caught up in Yah that He has not changed. Get overwhelmed by His goodness, His provisions, and His everlasting love. And start smiling and choose to praise Yah anyhow!
Join our prayer call on Wednesdays and share your praise reports. We all need encouraging!