How are you getting through this challenging season?

Last night while connecting with some of my girlfriends on Zoom, I asked the question: How are you getting through this challenging season? While they admitted to experiencing some frustration, they were able to share the following suggestions:

  • Extend grace to yourself. If you want to relax and take a break, then do it without feeling guilty. 
  • Allow for some quiet time alone. 
  • Spend quality with family and listen to each other.
  • Limit how much time you watch/listen to the news and talk about other topics than the pandemic. 
  • Get excited about the simple things in your day that make you smile.
  • Create a new routine to provide structure to your day.  
  • Start your day off with a devotional and prayer to set the tone for the rest of your day. 
  • End your day with a devotional and prayer to settle in for a good night’s sleep.
  • Connect with a friend or family member regularly.
  • Master your time; don’t let your time master you.

Now, I turn the question to you. How are you doing? How are you getting through this challenging season? What are some of the things that you are doing to thrive amid this storm?

Take the time to contemplate your responses to make sure that what you are doing draws you closer to the Most High and not further away. Yahshua forewarned us that in this life, we would have trouble but be of good cheer because He has overcome the world, which means that in Him, we can overcome any situation. 

My friend, trust in Yahweh and draw closer to Him. If you do, I guarantee you will find that He has not moved. He is right there carrying you through to the other side.

Be blessed and stay faithful no matter what!