So far this month, you have reflected over your life this year and beyond, and you have reframed some hurtful moments to recognize the good in all things (Romans 8:28).
Now, it is time to reposition yourself to take back what the enemy has stolen from you. Or, in some instances, take back what you have willingly given to him!
For example,
- Your peace of mind
- Your joy (because we get stuck on stuff!)
- Your attention
- Your clarity of mind (Yah does NOT entertain confusion)
- Your finances
- Your health
- Your home
- Your relationships
- Your careers
- Your future
- Fill in the blank
Is there any area of your life that the enemy has not tried to claim?
Do you remember the card game called War? Where you declared war on your opponent to win the game? Well, it is time for us to do the same and declare war on the enemy! And this time he does not win and claim victory in any area of our lives. No more nonsensical living! No more operating below Yah’s standards! We declare war on the enemy! And if you read the Word, then you know how the story ends – we already won! Do you get it? We already won!!
If only I could see your face as you read this wondering if you already won, then why do you feel defeated or beat up sometimes? Why don’t you experience the victory in your health, your finances, your relationships?
Perhaps, just perhaps, it is because you have not put on the full armor of Elohim as Ephesians 6 commands. And if you say you have it on, then perhaps it is time to do an equipment check to make sure that all pieces are snug and in place.
- The helmet of salvation. Are you filling your head with the truth of Yah’s Word?
- The breastplate of righteousness. Righteousness means being made right. Is your heart aligned with Yah’s Word?
- The buckle of truth. Are you speaking and living Yah’s truth in every area of your life?
- The shield of faith. Are you putting your faith into action in every circumstance?
- The sword of the Spirit. This is the Bible or what I call Yah’s Word. Are you reading it, studying it, applying it, and hiding it in your heart to cut through the enemy’s lies?
- The gospel of peace. Are you readily sharing the Good News of our savior to others?
If you have answered no to any of these questions, it may explain why you feel defeated, beat up, and why you are not experiencing victory in every area of your life.
You have everything you need to live victoriously, but if you have not positioned yourself with His armor, then please don’t blame Yah or say that this is His will for you to feel burdened by life, weighed down and defeated when it is NOT His will for any of us!
My sister, as a daughter of the Most High, it is time to take back what is rightfully yours. Every day get up, put on your armor, and reposition yourself and declare War on the enemy! Fight the battle and believe that Yah’s got your back because you’ve already won!