“Many of us feel stressed and get overwhelmed not because we are taking on too much, but because we are taking on too little of what strengthens us.” ~ Markus Buckingham
Is this true of your life?
The biggest complaint I hear from my coaching clients is that there isn’t enough time in a day to do everything they want. They believe that if they just had more than 24 hours in a day, they could accomplish all of their desires. I gently guide them back to the reality that they have more than enough time to accomplish what is important to them.
And that is the key – what is important to them.
You see, we can have an abundance of time when we get our priorities in order. We find ourselves overwhelmed when our lives are full of the wrong things, relationships, and desires.
When we start to align our time with our priorities, life changes, and instead of feeling overwhelmed, we feel empowered that we can accomplish all that we desire. Why? Because we have everything in the right order.
Stop for a moment, and examine your life. What is important to you? And, please do not give the canned answer that my family, my relationships, my health, my career are important. That is a given. I am going deeper.
I want to know where does Yah fit? Is He first, or is He last? Do you invest time and resources in building a relationship with Him? Or is it something that you say but don’t mean? Is He an afterthought when life isn’t working out as you hoped?
Do you think that if you rearranged your priorities to make Him #1 that your life would change?
Of course, it would!
But do we rather have Yah change to fit into our lives instead of changing our lives to align with His will? If so, then herein lies the problem – we have our priorities mixed up.
I have one hope for you this week: start prioritizing your time with those activities that strengthen you. How do you start? Four simple steps:
- Set time apart for Yah every morning.
- Study His word to guide you throughout your day.
- Talk with Him all day (also known as prayer!)
- Rinse and repeat.
I guarantee you that when you get your priorities straight, instead of feeling overwhelmed about life, you will become overwhelmed with Yah’s love for you and His blessings overflowing in your life!